We were forced to admit that he was right (also a rarity where Waldo is concerned), and after brooding on the subject for a while, we decided to do something about it. Rushing to the back of our estate grounds (we're spending the Thanksgiving weekend at the retreat at Montauk Point), we instructed one of our 'houseguests' to take a digital snapshot :

After all, it's Thanksgiving! And now you all have something for which to be truly grateful. No need to thank us.
Heavens, that post came just in time. I HAD forgotten what a stone cold super hottie you are.
Now I can dream again...
You can do more than dream! If you enter the 2007 Spunkbucket Sweepstakes, you COULD win a romantic dinner with this stone cold super-hottie! Wine, candlelight, a roaring fireplace, Leni and Blondi guarding the perimeter - and whatever may follow from such ingredients! Why should Swippey win every year? Send in your entry today!
You bastard.
And I believe you meant "colostomy bag," not "feed bag." Unless your eating habits are even more unsavory than I was led to believe.
Stone Cold Super Hottie (or 'Freezing Cold 15 Year Old On Steroids With Stage Makeup Accentuating Your Bulging Muskles') you may be, but you still seem to have bad hair.
No, it's only a little mussed because just before the photo somebody's fingers were passionately ruffling through it - YO MAMA'S!
YOu had me at "Spunkbucket."
Has anyone ever managed to clean Steve up enough to take him home to meet their mother?
For that they'd have to get near him.
Wait a minute, Beepy - I thought I had you at Woodstock? If not, we've got to have a VERY awkward conversation with Elmo ...
Oh, yeah, Woodstock. Best 47 seconds of my life.
That was, of course, while talking about tie-dye. The rest of the time I was thinking about England.
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