Sunday, March 01, 2009

March 2009 in Open Letters!

It's the first of March, and among other things (like, in Boston anyway, snow), that means another jam-packed issue of Open Letters Monthly! This month is no different: thorough, thoughtful articles on a wide variety of topics, from Notorious B. I. G. to video games to the ancient River Thames. The infamous Gardner Museum robbery gets a detailed look, as do the terrific short stories of Mavis Gallant, as do many other subjects both popular and abstruse! The issue has a nifty photo, some original sketches by the redoubtable Rachel Burgess, a poem by the legendary poet Charles Jodoin, and, to mark the two-year birthday of Open Letters, a duality-themed quiz designed to test your knowledge of useless trivia!

So click on over to Open Letters and feast your brain on the banquet provided! And while you're there, don't forget to check out the OLM BLOG, which is updated every day with all kinds of interesting things, including more honest-to-gosh book reviews than you'll find anywhere else! And, as usual, feel free to leave comments on anything that strikes your fancy!

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