Friday, May 01, 2009

May in Open Letters!

May 1st is here, and you know what that means: a bursting new issue of Open Letters Monthly! And the 'bursting' part is almost literal this time - our May issue is huge! We've got essays and reviews on an incredibly wide variety of subjects, from dreamy, dead tobacco addict Jeff Buckley to dreamy, living tobacco addict Joshua Redman, from the perils of the retail music industry to the perils of the Finnish national epic, from prose as stodgy-but-really-not as that of Roman historians to prose as lazy-but-really-not as that of postmodern fiction-writers. We've got graphic novels, the Russians, Venice, Superman marrying Don Quixote, and of course zombies. New books are reviewed, old books are reviewed, new books about old books are reviewed, and it's all emblazoned by a stunning you-are-there photo (not from news wire-services! we had a correspondent on the spot!) of a volcano erupting in the Galapagos Islands! And you need only wait a week to read my definitive, sure-to-be-quoted review of the new 'Star Trek' movie.

So click on over to Open Letters, pour yourself a nice steaming cup of Adderall, and dig in! And be sure to leave comments, so our beleaguered writers know you care!

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