Monday, February 01, 2010

February in Open Letters!

Ah, February! Despite its winds and snows, it holds the first faint hints of Spring – the touch of its breezes feels ever so slightly softer on the cheek, the blue of its sky suggests deeper, warmer blues to come. Is it any wonder that even a middle-aged bureaucrat could be moved to song when contemplating the holiday dedicated to love, plopped right in the middle of this most hopeful month?
Blyssed be Seynt Valentyn!
For on his day I ches yow to be myn,
Withoute repentynge, myn herte swete!

As you dare to let your hearts unbend from the cringe of midwinter, why not ches the latest Open Letters to be yow’s? We’ve stocked an exceptionally full issue with goodies for your enjoyment, a regular Valentine’s assortment of treats in all shapes and sizes: reviews, essays, contemplations, translations, celebrations! We’ve got world-famous translator David Slavitt doing a bit of very early Milton; we’ve got Manhattan-famous (or is it infamous?) Irma Heldman writing up the latest Elmore Leonard; we’ve got Sam Sacks weighing the worth of two novels set in the rich-are-different world of high finance; we’ve got video game savant Phillip Lobo writing about programs meant to instruct in the classroom, and lots more! Poetry reviews, political reviews, geopolitical reviews, and historical reviews – plus two new feature to fascinate you: “A Year with Short Novels” takes a look at novellas (but dislikes calling them that), and “Good Hooks/Bad Books” highlights an assortment of those particular novels that stink but nevertheless stick with us, always promising more than they deliver.

Which certainly can’t be said of Open Letters! We promise you the best, most interesting, most challenging, and most entertaining basket of belle lettres you’ll find anywhere, and every single month we deliver! Straight to your computer’s inbox, which is where you’ll find our February issue – so click on over and enjoy yourselves withoute repentynge!

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