Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Open Letters in a sultry September!


The rampant heat and choking humidity that have characterized the last 115 days without slackening remain with us, sapping all movement of pleasure, turning the contemplation of each day's activity into a presentiment of pure woe. But today is the first of September, and that means at least one thing has changed: a new issue of Open Letters Monthly appears for your pleasure! Even here, though, there's continuity: we've continued to do our best to present you with a wide variety of entertainments, from perfume to video games to literary biographies to historical fiction to straight-up history to poetry both ancient and modern. It's our hope that you'll find some intensely air-conditioned corner of some not-very-pretentious cafe, tuck your feet underneath you on a comfy sofa, and read to your heart's content! What better way to beat the heat of a summer that just won't end?

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