Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Moving Picture Trash

Ordinarily, we here at Stevereads, upon learning of the existence of a potential rival in the blogosphere, would react with Biblical vindictiveness. The exact verse in question would of course be "We are the Lord thy God, we brought thee out of the land of Egypt, thou shalt worship no gods before us." Our usual response to such upstart sites would be to unloose the full bespectacled wrath of our tech department on them, tearing the sites down and disabling the guilty computers in the process (just recall how fast Beepy's 'Manatees Gone Wild' site lasted, and the awful fate it suffered). Here at Stevereads, we are a jealous God.

But every so often, we find a site we don't entirely despise. One such site to appear recently is the brainchild of our colleague Brian, a blog called Moving Picture Trash devoted to bad movies.

'Bad movies' is of course a problematic phrase, since it takes under its aegis three different kinds of movies: movies that are out-and-out bad, movies that are bad but eminently useful as guilty pleasures, and movies that are widely considered bad but in reality, upon examination, aren't bad at all. Thankfully, Moving Picture Trash understands this perfectly well and is ready and able to write entertainingly about all three kinds. The updates are satisfyingly long, satisfyingly frequent, frequently funny, and curiously free of the royal 'we.'

Movie critics this good are thin on the ground, as we here at Stevereads know better than most. So follow the link to the right (links have been refurbished to keep you all updated on the growing careers of all the promising young people who owe their inspiration - and in four cases, their biological creation - to the jealous God who rules this site) and enjoy yourselves.

Then come back here and wait patiently for the next bread-crumb of wisdom to fall from our beard ...


brian said...


Thanks for the kind words. Of course, I just posted a short, somewhat serious review of a movie that is most definitely not trash. Check it out. Thanks again!


Sam said...

You started Google News, the Harvard Bookstore, and the Boston Public Library?!
But what's the fourth?

steve said...

what's the fourth what? Yer question mystifies ...

Anonymous said...

Let me join Stevereads in recommending Brian's site. I laugh long and hard every time I read it. Brian completely understands bad movies like nobody I've ever met before. The best part is, after reading his reviews I actually want to watch the movies! No matter how bad they might be! Bad movies should hire Brian to do their ad campaigns.